Adam Smith: Critic of Capitalism?

Adam Smith: Critic of Capitalism?

a conference sponsored by Yale’s Center for the Study of Representative Institutions (YCRI)

“Adam Smith: Critic of Capitalism?” explores Smith’s complex and ambivalent approach to commercial society throughout his moral and political thought. Friday, April 10th, 2015, 09:45 am-5:45 pm, at the Hall of Graduate Studies (HGS), Room 211, 320 York Street.

Presenters include Ryan Hanley (Marquette University), Dennis Rasmussen (Tufts University), Charles Grisworld (Boston University), Michelle Schwarze (UW-Madison), Michael Frazer (Harvard University), and Mike Hill (SUNY-Albany). Discussants and panel chairs include Isaac Nakhimovsky, Steven Smith, Bryan Garsten, Yiftah Elazar, and Karuna Mantena, all from Yale University.

Please find the full schedule on the YCRI website, or in the poster below. For any inquiries related to the conference, contact one of the co-organizers: Michelle Schwarze at or Yiftah Elazar at

Smith Conference Poster