A JMC Conversation on Immigration

The First Thanksgiving

A JMC Conversation on Immigration


Immigration has both immediate and historic relevance for Americans’ search for self-understanding. It raises questions about the meaning of nationhood, citizenship, and equality. We at the Jack Miller Center recognize that these difficult issues demand careful consideration for the sake of America’s civic culture.

The importance of understanding immigration is the reason we have compiled our fellows’ writings about immigration and related topics. Our fellows have thought carefully about immigration from a variety of perspectives. Learn about the history of immigration, citizenship, multiculturalism, globalism, and nationhood.

Immigration and diversity in U.S. history

John Agresto, “Naturalization Ceremony: United States Court of the District of Columbia” (National Endowment for the Humanities, 1985) — Public remarks

David Bernstein, “Lochner, Parity, and the Chinese Laundry Cases” (William & Mary Law Review, 1999) — Scholarly article

David Bernstein, “Two Asian Laundry Cases” (Journal of Supreme Court History, 1999) — Scholarly article

David Bernstein, “The Law and Economics of Post-Civil War Restrictions on Interstate Migration by African Americans” (George Mason Law & Economics research Paper, 1998) — Research paper

Maura Jane Farrelly, Anti-Catholicism in America, 1620-1860 (Cambridge University Press, 2017) — Book

Magdalena Krajewska, Documenting Americans. A Political History of National ID Card Proposals in the United States (Cambridge University Press, 2017 — Book

Immigration policy

Nicholas Capaldi (editor), Immigration: Debating the Issues, (Prometheus Books, 1997) — Book

Joseph M. Knippenberg, “Statement of Joseph M. Knippenberg, Professor of Politics, Oglethorpe University and Member” (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 2012) — Hearing statement

Theories of citizenship

Nicholas Capaldi, “Varieties of Citizenship and the Moral Foundations of Politics” (The Ethics of Citizenship in the 21st Century, 2017) —  Scholarly article

Robert Koons, “A country, not merely an idea” (The Washington Times, 2017) — Popular commentary

Lawrence Mead, “Immigration: The Cultural Dimension” (Society, 2016) — Scholarly article

Arthur Milikh, “Immigration, Citizenship, and Cosmopolitanism” (The Public Discourse, 2016) — Popular commentary

Rogers Smith and Peter H. Schuck, “The Question of Birthright Citizenship” (National Affairs, 2018) — Popular commentary

Rogers Smith and Peter H. Schuck, Citizenship Without Consent: Illegal Aliens in the American Polity (Yale University Press, 1985) — Book

William Voegeli, “Diversity and its Discontents” (Claremont Review of Books, 2017) — Popular commentary

The U.S., globalism, and foreign nations

John Agresto, Rediscovering America: Liberty, Equality, and the Crisis of Democracy (Asahina and Wallace Press, 2015) — Book

Daniel Burns, “Right Book, Wrong Title” (The American Interest, 2018) —Popular commentary

Melvin Schut, “What Britain might learn from the colonies: Scotland, the EU and Democratic British Liberty” (Quadrant, 2015) — Scholarly article

Kevin Wagner, TJ Gray, J Gainous, “Digital information consumption and external political efficacy in Latin America: Does institutional context matter?” (Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 2017) —Scholarly article

Jason Gainous, Kevin M. Wagner,Tricia J. Gray, “Internet freedom and social media effects: democracy and citizen attitudes in Latin America” (Online Information Review, 2016) — Scholarly article


*If you are a JMC fellow who’s published about immigration and would like your work included here, send it to us at jhungerford@gojmc.org



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