Bridging Theory and Practice: A JMC-AEI Conference

This past weekend, 20 JMC fellows gathered in Washington, DC, for a non-partisan public policy conference the Jack Miller Center jointly sponsored with the American Enterprise Institute. JMC maintains that knowledge of America’s history and political thought is crucial for addressing the challenges that we as a nation face today. In this spirit, our “Bridging Theory and Practice” conference connected JMC professors and graduate students with leading policy scholars like Adam White, Charles Murray, and Yuval Levin to explore such challenges as the growing administrative state, the stratification of American society, and the dysfunction of Congress.

Participants at the AEI-JMC Conference

Seminars on our institutions examined the current state of the government designed by the Founders and tried to understand why the separation of powers are not working quite as intended. Seminars on cultural and economic challenges facing many American communities evaluated the promises of the Declaration of Independence and critically examined whether a society premised on individual rights, rather than communal obligation, can succeed and make available a flourishing life.


Over two days of learning and discussion, the participating JMC fellows deepened their understanding of today’s important policy issues, which will inform their teaching and scholarship. They also took advantage of valuable networking opportunities with leading public intellectuals—including JMC board member Bill Kristol. At the Jack Miller Center, we strive to help serious and thoughtful scholars of American history and political thought by making available such learning and career-building opportunities. For it is these scholars who we want teaching the next generations of America’s children.


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