
2025 American Civic Tradition Fellowship

The ACT Fellowship is a yearlong professional enrichment program for K-12 civics, government, and history teachers.


A unique opportunity for K-12 teachers to study foundational texts with top scholars and peers.

The American Civic Tradition Fellowship is the Founding Civics Initiative’s signature program, attracting top middle and high school social studies educators from around the country. 

The fellowship consists of a weeklong in-person institute in the summer and monthly virtual meetings during the following academic year. In addition to in-depth discussions of primary texts, teachers will develop lesson plans and curricular materials for the classroom.

Scholar sessions will be led by Robert Burton (Utah Valley University), Lynn Uzzell (Bethel University), Zachary German (Arizona State University), Michael Promisel (Catholic University of America), and Alberto Coll (DePaul University College of Law).

Expenses related to attending the institute are paid for by the Jack Miller Center, and fellows will receive a $1,000 stipend for completion of the yearlong fellowship.
