Paul Carrese to Join the Jack Miller Center
The Jack Miller Center is pleased to announce the addition of its newest senior fellow: Paul O. Carrese. In this capacity, he will be providing strategic direction and consultation to the JMC’s efforts to reform liberal arts and civics education on college campuses.
SCETL Founder Paul Carrese to Join Jack Miller Center as Senior Fellow for Civic Thought and Leadership
“I’ve long benefited from the Jack Miller Center’s work to sustain understanding of America’s principles and history,” Carrese noted.
“…I am delighted the JMC is so strongly supporting the national reform movement to establish a field of civic thought and leadership, by building new departments that restore high-level civic education and intellectual diversity to the liberal arts mission of our universities.”
– Paul Carrese
Carrese has just stepped down as founding director of the School of Economic and Civic Thought and Leadership (SCETL) at Arizona State University, the first of the new civics institutes at public universities. Widely considered to be a pioneer of the movement to reform civics education at the college level, he is a sought-after adviser for a number of initiatives including the K-12 study Educating for American Democracy, the Civitas Institute at University of Texas at Austin, and the Program on Public Discourse at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
The national reform movement launched by SCETL at ASU has spread to 8 states; with 10 new departments being built, in Arizona, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio; 2 programs underway, in Utah and Mississippi; and at UT Austin a new college, the School of Civic Leadership, to house the Civitas Institute.
“Paul is the kind of academic entrepreneur this country desperately needs,” JMC president Hans Zeiger said.
“He brings to the table a combination of intellectual excellence and practical experience we will leverage to the benefit of our entire network. Paul is one of the founders of a movement that will revolutionize how we teach this country’s founding principles and history. It is an honor to have such a committed patriot on staff.”
– Hans Zeiger
Prior to founding SCETL, Carrese was a professor of political science as the United States Air Force Academy for almost two decades, where he developed an innovative honors program combining liberal arts education and leadership training. He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, a Fulbright fellow at the University of Delhi, and has held fellowships at Harvard University and Princeton University.
Carrese holds a PhD in political science from Boston College, and is the author or editor of several books including Democracy in Moderation: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Sustainable Liberalism and The Cloaking of Power: Montesquieu, Blackstone, and the Rise of Judicial Activism.
The Jack Miller Center is a nationwide network of scholars, educators, and other civics professionals dedicated to teaching America’s founding principles and history. It plays a leading role at both a K-12 level and on college and university campuses. To learn more about the JMC, visit www.www.jackmillercenter.org.