Yale Conference: Andrew Jackson at 250

Andrew Jackson at 250: Race, Politics, and Culture in the Age of Jacksonian “Democracy”

Conference on Andrew JacksonOn the 250th anniversary of Andrew Jackson’s birth, the

Yale Center for the Study of Representative Institutions (YCRI), a JMC partner program, invites you to a conference reassessing Andrew Jackson, the “Age of Jackson” and Jacksonian “Democracy.” The conference will consist of two days of panels, with presentations by historians and political scientists, as well as a special roundtable discussion of Andrew Jackson’s legacy.

Friday-Saturday, December 1-2, 2017 •  Luce Hall, Rooms 202 and 203, 34
Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT

Participants include: Steven B. Smith (Yale University), Naomi Lamoreaux (Yale University), Ariel Ron (Southern Methodist University), Laura F. Edwards(Duke University), Giulia Oskian (Yale University), John Fabian Witt (Yale University), Harry L. Watson (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Donald Margulies (Yale University), Stephen Skowronek (Yale University), Manisha Sinha (University of Connecticut), Joshua A. Lynn (Yale University and JMC fellow), Alex Zakaras (The University of Vermont), Robert S. Richard (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Kristofer Ray (Dartmouth College), Laurel Clark Shire (Western University), Jameson Sweet (Yale University), Matthew Mason (Brigham Young University), Emily A. Owens (Brown University), Gunther W. Peck (Duke University), David W. Blight (Yale University)

For additional information, please contact one of our YCRI post-doctoral fellows, Joshua Lynn (joshua.lynn@yale.edu).

The full program schedule for the conference can be found on the YCRI website.


Andrew Jackson at 250: Yale Conference Flyer