James Madison as the Founder of Founding
Jack Miller Center Board Member James Ceaser will deliver a Constitution Day lecture titled “James Madison as the Founder of Founding” at Utah Valley University on September 20th starting at 10 a.m. in Clarke Building 101. This event is open to the public.
The Center for Constitutional Studies hosts its annual Constitution Day conference Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, on UVU campus.
The theme of the conference is Parties in the USA: Does Partisanship Undermine the Constitution?
In their thought-provoking morning keynote address, Professors Verlan and Hyrum Lewis, authors of The Myth of Left and Right, will explore how a healthy two-party system contributes to the American constitutional tradition. At the same time, the idea of a Left-Right political spectrum, which dominates political discourse today, distorts our understanding of the world and hampers our political communities by undermining the pluralism and complexity that support our constitutional order.
The afternoon-panel topic is Direct Democracy versus the Legislature: A Discussion about Utah’s Amendment D.
Moderated by CCS Senior Director Matthew Brogdon, this live-streamed panel brings together advocates and opponents of Utah’s Amendment D to discuss its merits and to talk about the proper role of direct democracy in constitutional self-government.