Jack Miller Center Announces New Class of Miller Fellows
Each year, the Jack Miller Center conducts a rigorous two-week conference for a cohort of 20-25 talented young scholars to gain a profound understanding of American political thought and history and build a rich professional network to further their intellectual growth.
August 31, 2024
Philadelphia, PA – The Jack Miller Center has announced its new class of Miller Fellows has completed the Summer Institute.
This cohort of Miller Fellows includes graduate students and young faculty from Boston College, the University of Chicago, the University of Florida, Harvard University, Princeton University, and several more. Spotlights of Miller Fellows and JMC Scholars can be found online at our website.
“These scholars are some of the brightest young minds in the country,” said JMC president Hans Zeiger.

“I had the opportunity to sit in on some of their discussions and get to know the Miller Fellows, and it was nothing short of inspirational. We are witnessing a civics revival happening in real-time, and these rising academics will be on the front lines leading the charge.”
Behind the Miller Fellows
The Miller Fellowship began in 2004 when a group of senior scholars identified a growing lack of professors who could teach the ideas and documents of the American political tradition. The Fellowship begins with the JMC Summer Institute, a rigorous two-week conference in which the new cohort sharpens their understanding of American political thought and history and builds a rich professional network to further their intellectual growth. Since 2005, there have been nearly 700 Miller Fellows who have attended the Summer Institute.

“My time at the Summer Institute was intellectually stimulating and deeply enriching”
“I formed lasting friendships and look forward to joining the network of excellent scholars at the JMC.”
This year’s Summer Institute was titled “Rhetoric and Democratic Persuasion.” Institute faculty included prominent scholars such as Diana Schaub, Susan Collins, Devin Stauffer, Lucas Morel, Jed Atkins, and Wilfred McClay. Workshops were led by scholars including JMC board members James W. Ceaser of the University of Virginia and Benjamin Kleinerman of Baylor University.

After the Summer Institute, the JMC continues to invest in Miller Fellows through ongoing networking opportunities, supporting their leadership in new campus programs and events, and offering invaluable research assistance.
“The Summer Institute provides an incredible foundation for our Miller Fellows,” said JMC board chairman Michael Weiser. “It has been remarkable to see what the network has done over the past 20 years to transform how we teach and understand the American political tradition.”
The Jack Miller Center was founded in 2007, a Philadelphia-based educational nonprofit committed to solving the national crisis of uninformed citizenship by teaching America’s founding principles and history. In addition to Summer Institutes and the Miller Fellows program hosted under the aegis of the American Political Tradition Project, JMC also directs the Founding Civics Initiative to revitalize K-12 civic education and an annual National Summit on Civic Education.
For more information or further inquiries, please contact mlucchese@gojmc.org.
2024 Miller Fellows
Nicholas Barden
Georgetown University

Alexander Batson
University of Texas at Austin
Evelyn Behling
University of Notre Dame
Zachary R. Bennett
Michigan State University
Alexis Carré
Harvard University
Nicolas Day

Tulane University
Michael R. Gonzalez
University of Toledo
Sam Hage
Tulane University
Meghan Herwig
University of Florida
Max Lykins
Bowdoin College
Mary Jane Porzenheim
Boston College
Casey Richard Puerzer
Boston College
Andrea Ray
University of Chicago
Matthew Reising

Princeton University
Ted J. Richards
University of Mississippi
Jeffery Tyler Syck
University of Pikeville
Chris Tweedt
Christopher Newport University
Constantine Vassiliou
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Matthew H. Young
Elon University
Samuel L. Young
Indiana Wesleyan University
Yiyang Zhuge
Boston College
Daniel Zoumaya
Utah Valley University